95 Best Android Free and Open Source Tools Apps You Should Know 2021
PostedAt: Thu, Mar 18, 2021 8:33 PM
This is a collection of 95 best Android Free Tools Apps which are also open source. Try These Open Source Tools Apps for your study purpose. This is a list of Promisable android open source projects from various sources. including GitHub,f-droid. These open-source android apps run on only Android platforms which meets guidelines for free software and open-source software.
As an open-source android apps project, the Android open source project goal is to avoid any central point of failure in which one industry player can restrict or control the innovations of any other player. To that end, Android is a full, production-quality operating system for every developer. these are the best open source apps for Android
Here are 95 Best open-source Android Tools apps with source code.
The open-source community is always an opportunity for upcoming developers to learn software development. Because a source code for android open source apps is always available for the public and developers can utilize it to understand the working and coding from its scratch. In short, open-source projects are learning curves for newbie developers.
Open-source Android apps help emerging Android developers to learn the coding structure of fully working Android apps. They can even alter these codes and modify the same Android open-source apps. If you are an experienced Android developer, you can contribute new features and functionalities to these open-source android open source projects and help the project to grow on.
95 Best Android Free and Open Source Tools Apps You Should Know 2021
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
AcDisplay |
AcDisplay is a new way of handling notifications in Android. |
Java |
AFWall+ (Android Firewall +) |
AFWall+ (Android Firewall +) - IPTables based firewall for Android |
Java |
AppOpsX |
AppOpsX is a front-end application for the Android AppOpsService. It allows you to restrict app permissions. |
Java |
AIMSICD against IMSI-Catchers, StingRay and Silent SMS! |
Java |
AnExplorer |
AnExplorer File Manager. |
Java |
AmazeFileManager |
Amaze File Manager. |
Java |
AnotherMonitor |
Monitors and records the CPU and memory usage of Android devices |
Java |
Andlytics |
Google Play - Android Market statistics app |
Java |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
BinaryEye |
BinaryEye is a barcode scanner for Android. It is well polished, ad free, with no IAP. |
Java |
Bitocle for GitHub |
Bitocle is a simple android app which allows you to view your source code in GitHub. |
Java |
BetterBatteryStats |
An attempt to provide advanced battery stats for Android |
Java |
Beta Updater for WhatsApp |
An app to update WhatsApp to the latest beta version available on Android |
Java |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
Camera Color Picker |
A simple tool that uses the device's camera to capture, in real time, colors around you. |
Java |
Clean Status Bar |
Tidy up your Android status bar before taking screenshots for the Play Store |
Java |
Clip-Stack |
An Android clipboard history manager app with Material Design. |
Java |
Content Provider Helper |
Android app that helps developers to discover and query content providers. |
Java |
ConnectBot |
The first SSH client for Android. |
Java |
Cryptomator |
Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. |
Kotlin/Java |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
DashClock Widget |
Lock screen widget for Android 4.2+ |
Java |
DesignOverlay |
Android app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process |
Java |
Developer Toolbelt - Fill RAM |
On-device low-memory testing for Android |
Java |
Device Control |
Device Control is an app to control several features of your device as well as some nice extra features |
Java |
Droid Watcher |
Android remote control application with rich functionality |
Java |
DuckDuckGo |
DuckDuckGo Search and Stories official application |
Java |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
Firefox |
Firefox Browser for Android. |
Java |
Flock |
Private contact and calendar sync for Android. Flock |
Java |
FBReaderJ |
Is a free (and ad-free) multi-platform ebook reader.Supports popular ebook formats: ePub, fb2, mobi, rtf, html, plain text, and a lot of other formats |
Java |
Forecastie |
A simple weather app that gathers data from OpenWeatherMap, via their public API. |
Java |
Full Battery Alarm |
An app to ring an alarm when battery gets fully charged |
Kotlin |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
GfyCat |
Android application that loads gifs via gfycat for efficiency's sake |
Java |
GitFox |
Client to manage GitLab projects. Clean Architecture implementation |
Kotlin |
GitHub Status |
Simple app to connect to Github's status API |
Java |
GridWichterle |
This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design. |
Java |
Good Weather |
Open source weather app for Andorid |
Java |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
Hash Checker |
Fast and simple application for generating and comparison hashes from files or text |
Java |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
Intent Intercept |
This app attempts to intercept as many intents as possible in order to examine their contents. This helps when trying to develop an app that reacts to a particular intent. |
Java |
Install Referrer |
Test the referrer attribute on the Google Play Store |
Java |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
JianShi |
A beautiful app 简诗 for recording anything in your life with traditional Chinese style. |
Java |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
KDEConnect |
KDE Connect is a multi-platform app that allows your devices to communicate (eg: your phone and your computer). |
Java |
App Name |
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Download |
LibreTorrent |
LibreTorrent is an ad-free, open-source, Material Design torrent client with IP filtering, Tor support, proxy support, automatic file moving, sequential downloading, and the ability to select files for download. |
Java |
LittleFreshWeather |
这是一款简洁的天气预报app--清新小天气,它能够支持国内绝大多数城市,提供包含实时天气、七天预报、实时气象信息及生活指数等预报信息,动画展示天气状况。 |
Java |
lmgtfyGen |
lmgtfyGen is an app that allows the creation of lmgtfy urls with an embedded url shortener to hide the LMGTFY url. |
LeafPic |
An ad-free, open-source and material-designed android gallery alternative |
Kotlin |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
Net Guard |
No root Android firewall |
Java |
Nevolution |
Evolve the Android notification experience of existing apps, with community-driven plug-ins. |
Java |
Notification Analyser |
An Android application to analyse your notification history. |
Java |
Ninja |
A web browser that open links in background without ever leaving your favorite apps. |
Java |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
OS Monitor |
Android OS Monitor |
Java |
owncloud |
The ownCloud Android App. |
Java |
Omni-notes |
Open source note-taking application for Android. |
Java |
App Name |
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Download |
Permission Nanny |
Permission Nanny is an application that can access resources which are protected by permissions on your behalf, so that your application does not need to declare permission usage in your AndroidManifest.xml. With Permission Nanny, it is possible for your application to not require any permissions at all, yet still be able to access permission-protected resources. |
Java |
photo-affix |
Stitch your photos together vertically or horizontally without even trying! PhotoAffix |
Java |
Prey Anti Theft |
Android client for the Prey anti-theft software. Anti-Theft |
Java |
Preferences Manager |
View and edit application's preferences |
Java |
PokePortal |
Map application of PokeStops and Gyms of "Pokémon GO" |
Kotlin |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
RxWeather |
Weather app with architecting Android with RxJava |
Java |
Red Moon |
A feature rich screen filter app |
Java |
App Name |
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Download |
SeeWeather |
RxAndroidRetrofit,Glide and Matrial Design Weather App |
Java |
Super Clean Master |
CleanMaster open source clone |
Java |
S Tools+ |
Keep track of your CPU and Sensors alongwith useful features like Color Picker,Compass and device information |
Java |
StockTicker |
A resizable stock ticker widget for your android home screen |
Java |
Secret Codes |
Explore and test your device secret codes |
Java |
Shadowsocks |
A secure socks5 proxy. Surf the internet privately and securely. |
Java |
Simple Calculator |
A Calculator with the basic functions and a customizable widget |
Kotlin |
Simple Calendar |
A Calendar with a customizable widget |
Java |
Simple Camera |
A front/rear camera with a flash |
Java |
Simple Draw |
A simple canvas you can draw on |
Java |
Simple File Manager |
A simple file manager for browsing the storage |
Java |
Simple Flashlight |
Well, a simple flashlight |
Java |
Simple Notes |
A simple textfield for simple notes with a widget |
Java |
SoundRecorder |
A simple sound recording app implementing Material Design |
Java |
Status |
A no-root status bar replacement for Android. |
Java |
Student Attendance Check |
Student attendance monitoring system. |
Java |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
WiFiKeyShare |
Share Wi-Fi passwords with QR codes and NFC tags |
Java |
App Name |
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Language |
Download |
Xsocks |
A secure and fast proxy for protect your network traffic |
C |
App Name |
Describe |
Language |
Download |
zxing |
Official ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") project home |
Java |
Trying to put together a list of the
best open source android apps is like trying to list your favorite flavors of ice cream. There are just too many that are too good to pick. But we think these
free android source code will help you fir your development purpose.
Open source Android apps not only provide a great chance of embracing and learning about technology, but it can also please the geek in you who might enjoy DIY solutions. open source android apps github inspire the community to actually not develop for financial reward but for the passion of developing and the foresight for a brighter technologically-advanced future. So whether it for the purpose of learning, or taking a break from the vicious ads network tracking your internet usage throughout, you can rely on the best open source android apps to help you. Do you think we can include some other open source apps for Android in this list? Let us know in the comments below
if we didn’t list it! We also have links for all of the free android source code at the very end of the article. You can also find a ton of other excellent open-source apps on F-Droid, although that will require downloading and installing a completely third-party app store. Thankfully, F-Droid is excellent.
What do you think the best open-source Android tools apps is? Let us know in the comments!
March 18, 2021